Negative gearing is a long-term strategy many investors love because it offers tax benefits and the potential for solid growth over time. However, it’s crucial to know what you’re signing up for!
Here’s why it’s popular: ✅ Claim tax deductions on expenses to reduce your taxable income ✅ Well-chosen investments can yield capital returns that outweigh initial costs
But keep these points in mind: 💰 Be prepared for shortfalls early in your investment journey 💸 Circumstances change? Selling early could mean lower returns 📈 Capital gains tax applies when you sell
Negative gearing can enhance borrowing power by improving cash flow on paper, which lenders take into account when assessing loan applications.
Is negative gearing right for you?
Call me today at 0424 194 688 to learn how this strategy could fit into your financial goals. Let’s make wealth creation work for you! 📞
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Thinking about Negative Gearing? Here’s What You Should Know!